This was definitely the hardest project we've done this year. Not only was the time schedule very hard to meet, but there was also just a lot of things that had to be done. I definitely learned a lot about all the work that goes in to making a good news show. I learned how much goes on behind the scenes, such as what is done in the control room and with the camera and teleprompter. Personally, I really enjoyed working in the control room for this project. It was definitely a lot of pressure to work completely on the go. I had a huge part in the live recording of the show, which was definitely stressful, but I still enjoyed it. After doing this project, I would say the most important aspect of a successful news show is organization. It is extremely important for everybody to know exactly what their job is so they can execute perfectly. It is also very important to have good communication among your crew. For example, we didn't do a great job at communicating with our anchors...