Typography Overview In this project, we were approached with the task of creating a project to show different terms of typography by using Adobe Illustrator. Before we started, we were given some basic knowledge about typography. This included different fonts, and parts of letters. We were then able to use some of our prior knowledge about Adobe Illustrator to create a name line to show our newfound knowledge. This project once again I believe was a very good stepping stone in my knowledge and I think it will be very useful in the future. What I learned For this project, we started off by writing our names and sizing it appropriately, and then making three lines to represent the general height of different parts of the letters. We then labeled different parts of our name with words and arrows. Once again, the command "Option-Drag" was very useful, as it helped us copy and paste our labels easily. After we had labeled at least ten parts of our name, we tweaked the l...