For this project, we started out by photographing our partner. We chose a specific location in our courtyard so there would be an interesting background and our subject would still look good. Once we had our photo, we took it into photoshop and started editing it. I started the editing process by copying the picture and then making then picture black and white. Then I cut out my subject and made him his own layer. I then applied a filter to the background, and separated it into two different parts-the tree and everything else. I then used the paint splatter brush to add a little bit of color back into the background, while also keeping the features from the original filter. I then moved to editing my subject. I started by separating him into three groups (hair, skin/head, and shirt). First, I edited the hair. I selected it by using the quick selection tool and then started painting it in my desired colors. I also put a slightly darker shade of purple around his head to create a s...